The 3 Keys To Getting Your Dream Frontend or Full Stack Engineer Job

Studio by Warren Hansen

If you are looking for a career in tech, focusing on developing your coding skills in front-end or full-stack development is essential. You can increase your chances of landing software engineering jobs by following the three keys of L.A.B. - Learn, Apply, and Build. Online learning and peer programming are excellent ways to improve your coding skills and stay updated with the latest trends in the industry. Creating practical projects and building a personal portfolio can help you gain experience and showcase your skills to potential employers.

Utilizing job search strategies such as We Work Remotely, JSremote, and LinkedIn can help you find remote work opportunities. Preparing for coding interviews by creating features that may be asked is a smart way to showcase your practical knowledge. Professional development and continuous learning are crucial for staying updated with the latest trends in the industry. By following these strategies and staying persistent, you can transform your passion for coding into a successful career in software engineering.

The three keys to becoming a successful Software Engineer are:


  1. 1. Learn - You can do this with online classes, peer programming, chatGPT, or just plain old college.
  2. 2. Apply - How can you get a job if you don't apply for it. Wellfound, We Work Remotely, JSremote, and good ol Linkedin are all great for this.
  3. 3. Build - It's hard to gain any experience without building something. What you build can also be put on a personal website or portfolio as well so its a win win to build build build. Start small and scale up. Creating features that might be asked in a coding interview is always a smart idea.

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